Major Announcement

     The 16th World Firefighters Games will be hosted by ARAMCO in Dammam Saudi Arabia November 5 to 13, 2026

4th World Firefighters Games; Edmonton, Canada
28 July to 3 August 1996

Edmonton's organisers and 2,000 volunteers were meticulous in their efforts to ensure the events were well conducted and consequently athletes and visitors alike enjoyed the competition. Participants were also to discover that the people of Edmonton were exceptionally hospitable and helpful to their international visitors. Of particular interest was the West Edmonton Mall, the world's largest shopping and entertainment complex under the one roof - a shopper's fantasy!

Toughest Firefighter Alive

The 'blue ribbon' event of the World Firefighters Games, the Toughest Firefighter Alive, is the most gruelling event of the entire competition. It is a test of great strength and endurance. This event encompasses;

  • 3 events establishing hose, obstacle and weight activities
    eg 2.5 km run wearing 20 kg backpack, tunnel crawl wearing breathing apparatus
  • 1 event in a climbing activity using local terrain
    eg 21 floor stair climb wearing breathing apparatus.

Overall Winner, Men: D Ronald, Australia. 08:23:23
Overall Winner, Women: A Henss, USA. 14:06:8 (dual winner)

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Our Contact Details

World Firefighter Games

We hope to hear from you soon.

  • + 61 (0)411 401 889
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • World Firefighters Games WA Inc
    5 Christison Way, Rockingham 6168 Western Australia

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